Wednesday, August 4, 2021


Atrocities and violence against women are on the daily ascend in India. A lot of seminars debates and group discussions are on the way, but a workable solution is yet to be evolved. Laws fail miserably and the system has an unhampered course, most of the women find insecure everywhere. Harsh penalties are the only way to combat this situation. This is the abstract of many articles debates and discussions.
Let us have a new dimension of thought in this area, we will do away with all harsh steps of penalization. We look better leaving all fundamentalists aside heralding a new turning point which promote a meaningful interaction of both sexes. Our obsolete society has set several norms binding men and women, old attitudes keep young dynamic men and women in separate cubicles of life and the contact is banned in the name of immoral traffic, and the entire public views them with yellow eyes This sex wise discretion must go first. In a new turning point both the sexes should be closely adhered to the moral profiles of the traditions of the society. It should be our moral commitment to honour the principles of moral codes in the society. There is no doubt Womanhood should be respected but no special status or right assigned to women where men is deprived of. i.e. both men and women should be equal before all laws and no sex wise discrimination .The psychology behind to save a guilty woman from the hands of law and an urge for sexual exploitation are closely related. Barring women from get-togethers club meetings, visibly a no face to face situation and unsociability with men actually augment the suppressed sexual urge thereby culminating into disaster. This was the problem what exactly persisting. Cordial relationship and free mingling would definitely ease such sexual excitements. This is what experts in the field say
Several of our men obviously prefer to see women always saree-claded, confined to home just for looking after children and household works. They never allow her to work outside even don’t allow to be wear a chooridar. Of course some of them may be inclined to please their husbands, but in general a vast majority is under pressure, find impossible to change life style. Virginia Woolf, an essayist, novelist of early 20th century rightly put as “The angel in the house,” she said if women want to emerge stronger in the society she must kill the angel in the house. This means women are being treated as weaker sex and hence cannot be equated with men in the society. Virginia Woolf questions this concept, as she has to break all conventional barriers imposed by the male dominated society, she needs better education and she should have the freedom to choose her field of activities.
As far as Indian women are considered she remains still as the “Angel in the house”, though some examples can be cited as President, Prime minister, judges of Supreme Court etc. Yet there appears no vivid impact on the general backwardness of women folk in India also the fundamentalist attitudes remains mostly unchanged. However a review of their position during the last three decades reveals a glimpse of hope leading to a slow jump. Now there is an appreciable spurt in technical education, mostly they work in IT related firms. These smart and fashionable girls moves freely with their male colleagues with determined hardwork, with an evolution to two and four wheelers, all show a promising trend .Above all thanks to our visual media as they are bent upon telecasting spectacular programmes of bringing the Indian woman out of her shell.

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